تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, “Islands of Integration or Islands of Marginality? Dynamics of Belonging and Otherisation in the Sahelian Chad. Ethnos”, Journal of Anthropology, 2022.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, “(Re)naming the Cantons, Re-exerting Authority: Ambiguous Decentralization Reforms and the Nature of Power in Rural Chad”, Africa Today, 68(4), pp.3-23, 2022.


- Assoc. Prof. Mürsel Bayram (and Moussa Hissein Moussa), “Afrika Birliği’nin Değişen Güvenlik Perspektifi”, Arif Bağbaşlıoğlu (ed.) “Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Uluslararası Örgütler: Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar ve Kurumlar”, Nobel Academic Publishing, 2022.


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Çelik (and Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Suna Özel Özcan), “The Changing Nature of Russia-China Security Relations in the Post-Cold War Era”, Mehmet Emin Erendor (ed.), “The Role of Intelligence and State Policies in International Security”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Çelik (and Güler Ceren Çoker), “Japonya Siyasetinde Kadın: Liberal Demokrat Parti (LDP) Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme”, Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences, 2021.


-Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, “Becoming a slave-descendant: labels and paths of emancipation in Northern and Central Chad”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 2021.


- Assoc. Prof. Mürsel Bayram, “China’s Summit Diplomacy in Africa: The Case of FOCAC”, Neba Ridley Ngwa (ed.), “Summit Diplomacy: An Emerging Approach of Africa’s Strategic Partnership”, Africa Foundation Publications, Ankara, 2021.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Çelik, “South Korea-Africa Summits”, Neba Ridley Ngwa (ed.), “Summit Diplomacy: An Emerging Approach of Africa’s Strategic Partnership”, Africa Foundation Publications, Ankara, 2021.


- Res. Asst. Mustafa Yasir Kurt, " The Role and Potential of Energy in Turkey-Algeria Relations", Türkiye Notları Dergisi, No. 19. pp. 59-63, 2021.


-Asst. Prof. Dr. Mürsel Bayram and Res. Asst. Mustafa Yasir Kurt, “Liberya İç Savaşı: Eski Köleler, Yeni Efendiler ve Savaş Ağaları”, Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Çıtak, Asst. Prof. Dr. Eda Kuşku Sönmez and Dr. Gözde Turan (ed.), "Pandora’nın Kutusu Açıldı: Soğuk Savaş Sonrasında İç Çatışmalar ve İç Savaşlar", Palme Publishing, Ankara, 2021.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, (ve Remadji, H., Neneck, A.K. Ripoll, S.) “Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa: Key Considerations for Epidemic Response and Preparedness in Chad”. TDDA Briefings, 2021.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, “Research pure and consultancy. How to deal with them through an anthropological approach? Some self-reflections based on fieldworks in sub-Saharan Africa” Association for the anthropology of social change and development (APAD), Lomé, 2021.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, “Point Sud - Mobility, Mobilization and Displacement in ‘Post-slavery’ West Africa, , presenting the paper “Société civile, mémoire des razzias et post-esclavage : pourquoi est-ce difficile d’en parler au Tchad ?, together with a representative of ARED, a Chadian association for the protection of human rights, Bamako, 1 – 4 December  2021.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Valerio Colosio, “SLAFNET - African Legal Abolitions: Rethinking Actors, Chronologies, and Frameworks”, presenting the paper “Société civile, mémoire des razzias et post-esclavage : pourquoi l’esclavagisme demeure un problème extrêmement grave et un sujet très sensible dans le Tchad contemporaine ?” together with a representative of ARED, a Chadian association for the protection of human rights, 21 – 23 September 2021.


- Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Çelik (ed.), “Covid-19 Salgını: Ülke Deneyimleri, Bölgesel Etkiler ve Küresel Yansımalar”, Nika Yayınevi, Ankara, 2021.

-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “The Balance of Power Politics in East Asia System in the Nineteenth Century: A Case of Korean-Russian Relations”, Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies (CJAS), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020.


-Res. Asst. Mustafa Yasir Kurt, “Algerian Diplomacy from Masinissa to Tebboune”, Assoc. Prof Mürsel Bayram (ed.), “Maghrebi Diplomacy: History of Foreign Relations of North African Countries”, Glasstree Academic Publishing, Raleigh N.C., 2021.


-Assoc. Prof Mürsel Bayram (ed.), “Maghrebi Diplomacy: History of Foreign Relations of North African Countries”, Glasstree Academic Publishing, Raleigh N.C., 2021.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “Comfort Women: A Feminist Approach”, Journal of Alternative Politics, Vol.12, No.3, pp. 516-541, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “Trade Wars in the International Arena”, Asst.Prof.Dr. Emre Çıtak and Asst.Prof.Dr. Sami Kiraz (Ed.), Uluslararası Güvenlik: Gelenekselden Güncele Bir Gündem Analizi, Ankara, Orion Publishing, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “Socio-Cultural Relations Between ASEAN and South Korea", Assoc.Prof. Ceren Ergenç (ed.), ASEAN as a Method: Re-centering Processes and Institutions in Contemporary Southeast Asian Regionalism, Londra, Routledge, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “U.S. Policy Toward North Korea and South Korea in the Trump Era”, Asst.Prof.Dr. Fulya Köksoy(Ed.), Küresel Politikalar ve Bölgesel Dönüşümler, Ankara, Nobel Academic Publishing, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “Transformation In Indian Politics After The Pulwama Attack”, Turkish Journal of Political Science, Vol.3 No.2, pp. 205-219, 2020.

-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “Kashmir after August 5th Decision and its Implications for South Asia ", RUDN Journal of World History, Vol.12, No.2, pp. 99-111, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik (with Asst.Prof.Dr. Merve Karacaer Ulusoy), Venezuela in the International System: Regional and Global Perspectives, Ankara, Nobel Academic Publishing, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, An Analytical Framework for Chinese Way of International Relations: Neo-Tributarism, The Journal of Asian Studies International Social Science, Vol.4, No.1, pp.29-44, 2020.


-Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa and Assoc.Prof. Murat Bayar, “South-South Cooperation in Africa: Niger-Turkey Case”, Journal of Global South Studies (University of Florida Press), Vol.37, No.1, pp. 31-56, 2020.


- Res. Assist. Mustafa Yasir KURT, "Algeria-EU Relations in the Context of the Natural Gas Pipeline Projects: Is It Possible to Talk about a Strategic Partnership?", 4th International Congress on Economics Finance and Energy Proceeding Book, pp.336-367, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, Une histoire diplomatique des Etats ouest-africains, Ankara, Platanus Publishing, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, “Middle Eastern Policy of China: Continuity and Change", Journal of Liberal Thought, Vol.25, No.97, pp. 31-46, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, " The Diplomatic Ontology of Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic", Journal of Liberal Thought, Vol.25, No.97, pp.167-185, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, " Foreign Policy and Security Relations of South Korea and ASEAN". Assoc.Prof. Çağdaş Üngör(Ed.), Asya Pasifik Çalışmalarında Yeni Ufuklar, pp. 67-87, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, "The Kashmir Question". Prof. Dr. Tevfik Erdem(Ed.), Milliyetçilik, pp.627-644, 2020.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, "The Ways of North Korean Presence in Africa", The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, Vol.50, 2019.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, "Nationology or the Science of Nation: An Attempt at Introduction", Sinop University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 149-160, 2019.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, "The Metamorphosis of Beninese Politics from Militocracy to Plutocracy", Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of Political Science, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 64 -73, 2019.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, "Small State Foreign Policy: The Case of Angola", Journal of Regional Studies, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 90-114, 2019.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, "La Politique Étrangère du Sénégal de Léopold Senghor à Macky Sall", Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Vol.10, No.20, pp. 225-237, 2019.


-Assoc.Prof. Murat Bayar, “An Analysis of Large-Scale Forced Migration in Africa” (with Prof.Dr. M.M. Aral), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.16, No.21, pp. 4210-4225, 2019.


Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa and Assoc.Prof Murat Bayar, "An Assessment of The Effectiveness of Turkey's Development Assistance to Africa", Journal of Bilgesam, Vol.11 No.21, pp. 201-229, 2019.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Mürsel Bayram, “Ideology and Pragmatism in Burkinabé Politics” Ankara University SBF Journal, Vol.74, No.3, pp.739 – 757, 2019.


-Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa’s Analysis: “ The Lies About Suakin in the Gulf Media”, 29.04.2019.


-Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa’s Analysis: “ The Coup of Smooth Transition in Sudan”, 12.04.2019.


-Asst.Prof.Dr. Hatice Çelik, " Uzbekistan: The Key to the Central Asia", Journal of Institute of Strategic Thinking, No.80, pp. 62-67, 2019.


- Dr. Mukerrem Miftah, "Borderless Imaginations Under State Imposed Territoriality in the Horn of Africa," African Studies Quarterly, vol.18, no.2, pp.95-100, 2019 .

-Assoc.Prof. Enver Arpa's Analysis: "A New Midwinter Wave in Sudan", 08.04.2019.


- Assoc.Prof. Enver Arpa's Analysis: "What's Happening in Sudan?", 31.12.2018


- Dr. Mukerrem Miftah, The Polemics and Politics of Ethiopia’s Disintegration, 13.12.2018


- Dr. Mukerrem Miftah, Ethiopia in Transition is Facing Critical Challenges, 08.11.2018


- Dr. Murat Bayar, Our Foreign Aid Strategy: Observations from the Field Study in Niger and 10th BRICS, 30.07.2018

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